Installing AgileKIP Generator

In this tutorial we will show how to set up the AgileKip Generator in your environment.

Docker Installation

The easiest way to install the AgileKip Generator is using the official docker image.

HOST-MACHINE$ docker container run \
  --name agilekip.v0.0.12 \
  -v $PWD:/home/jhipster/app \
  -d -t agilekip/generator-jhipster-agilekip:v0.0.12

You should replace MY_WORK_DIRECTORY for your work directory (example: /home/utelemaco/development/agilekip-generator)

  • Container name: agilekip.v0.0.12
  • Container image: agilekip/generator-jhipster-agilekip:v0.0.12
  • Mounted volume: MY_WORK_DIRECTORY in the host machine is mounted to /home/jhipster/app in the docker container

The command below starts a shell session in the docker container agilekip.v0.0.12. If you are using an IDE (such as Visual Code Studio or IntelliJ) that has the feature to attach a shell to a started docker container, this step is not necessary.

HOST-MACHINE$ docker container exec -it agilekip.v0.0.12 bash

To check the AgileKip Generator installation, you can execute the following command:

jhipster@ab2d5e1138cf:~$ npm info generator-jhipster-agilekip

generator-jhipster-agilekip@0.0.12 | Proprietary | deps: 2 | versions: 2
The community edition of the JHipster AgileKip, a generator to scaffold web app integrated with the Camunda platform

keywords: yeoman-generator, jhipster-blueprint, jhipster-7

.shasum: ddd2cf23bc85109a0cac7df14582e055c3719d68
.integrity: sha512-lj6WyxZTbXeerUu/1a0j3NRDbx5Z9aVQYYfJQlLjtLX3IdDTSxusQmvQwwBFyoqv+QOV6NGD428P1ukPIxgftQ==
.unpackedSize: 1.4 MB

chalk: 2.4.1              generator-jhipster: 7.0.1 

- utelemaco <>

latest: 0.0.12  

published 9 minutes ago by utelemaco <>

Congratulation!!! You’ve just installed AgileKip Generator on your environment.